Monday, 26 June 2017

The Bognorian Species

So far 6 distinct categories of Bognorian have been identified:
  1. BigBog - someone who naturally likes to Big up Bognor (quite rare but unmistakably remarkable) 
  2. BagBog - a hybrid transformational from a Bog, Beg, Bug or Byg (quite rare, often adorned with a big splash of colour and exuberance, likely to become more common over time in favourable conditions)
  3. BogBog - someone who can take Bognor or leave it (most common and may take on many different guises)
  4. BegBog - someone who wants something from Bognor (not uncommon and needs the right conditions to develop the full plumage)
  5. BugBog - someone who is pre-disposed to trashing Bognor (by no means common, easy to spot, can be quite noisy)
  6. BygBog - someone who thinks Bognor has passed its sell-by date (quite common and can appear to lack colour, especially during the moulting season)

See how many of each category you can spot around town.

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